CurateMed Insights: Empowering Health & Humanity
Transforming Wellness Through Knowledge, Care, and Advocacy

Helpful Forms

These forms are not just paperwork—they are tools designed to optimize your experience and ensure your safety. By completing them, you’re taking an active role in your health and wellness journey. The information you provide helps us design programs that are specifically tailored to your needs, track your progress, and ensure that you are getting the most out of our services. We are committed to working with you at every step of the way, and these forms help create a clear path toward achieving your wellness goals.

Client Intake Form

If you are a first-time client, please print this form, complete it, and bring it along to our first session.

Intended Outcomes Form

This form will help you clarify your goals for your overall health and vitality, including our time together.

Nutrition Intake form

Interested in working with us on nutrition please fill out this form and Email it to us after consultation

Informed Consent

Full disclosure of the treatment or procedure, including what is involved, any risks, benefits, alternatives, and the possible outcomes (both expected and unexpected). It’s crucial that the information provided is understandable and thorough, ensuring the individual can make an informed choice.

Comprehensive Intake sheet

Information about you so we may provide you the client the best service

Client Confidentiality

What we discuss is private will not be shared

Medical Release

This has bee filled out by all Clients that have any preexisting condition or are pregnant.

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